The Truth—Lost at Sea: Voices from the Holy Land Film Salon

Date(s) - 08/20/2023
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


We are supporting this film screening; here is the description from Voices from the Holy Land:

In May 2010, an international flotilla of 6 unarmed civilian vessels, carrying citizens from dozens of countries (including the U.S.), defied Israel’s complete naval blockade to deliver much needed construction materials and humanitarian aid to Gaza. Under the cover of darkness, the most powerful military force in the Middle East dispatched heavily armed commandos via speedboats and helicopters to seize the Mavi Marmara, resulting in the tragic deaths of 10 activists.

“The Truth: Lost at Sea” presents authentic footage and narration by a survivor to reveal the factual sequence of events, shedding light on how traditional and online media platforms manipulated and vilified human rights advocates who dedicated themselves to raising awareness about the plight of Palestinians in Gaza.

view through binoculars, with part of the viewer’s boat and fellow passengers visible on the left edge. Two large boats are blocking access to land in the distance, which is labelled “Gaza”.

All are invited to watch the film for free at your convenience; then register to join the Q&A Discussion with

  • Rifat Audeh: director, producer, activist, survivor of 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla
  • Ann Wright: US Army Colonel (ret.); US diplomat; 2010, ‘15, ’16, Gaza Freedom Flotillas; 2018, ‘23 ground crew
  • Awni Farhat: Gaza activist; 2018, ‘23 Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant
  • Alex McDonald (moderator): author, educator, activist; 2018, ‘23 Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant

Watch the film for free at your convenience; then join the Q&A Discussion.    Once you register, you will get a confirmation e-mail from Zoom with a link to the meeting and a link with to watch the film.  Save that letter to participate in the discussion; the link is unique to your e-mail address.

Watch the Trailer:

Don’t forget to watch recordings of previous Online Film Salon recordings in their entirety here, including for the July 16, 2023, Q&A discussion of My Tree.

Rifat Audeh is a Palestinian Canadian filmmaker, freelance journalist, and human rights activist. He’s worked as an interpreter assisting Physicians for Human Rights and countless UN agencies. Rifat participated in the 2010 Freedom Flotilla and was injured during the IDF’s attack upon it. The experience became the subject of his dissertation and his award-winning documentary, The Truth: Lost at Sea. Rifat holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ryerson University and a Master’s degree in Media and Journalism at Newcastle University in the UK.

Ann Wright, a former U.S. State Department diplomat who served 16 years on 4 continents, was 1 of 3 diplomats who resigned in 2003 in opposition to the war on Iraq. Ann also served 29 years in the U.S. Army and Reserves, primarily in Special Operations units, retiring as colonel. She is a member of Veterans for Peace and a co-author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience. Ann was on the 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, trying to break Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza, when Israeli troops attacked the ships. Ann was also on the 2015 and 2016 Gaza Freedom Flotillas and served on the ground crews for the 2018 and 2023 flotillas.

Awni Farhat, born and raised in Jabalia Camp, Gaza Strip, has been a project coordinator with the Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution (PCDCR). Awni has been living in the Netherlands for 6 years, earning a Master’s degree in Human Rights and Conflict Studies, and now working with an international Dutch development nonprofit. For 2 years, Awni was the Products and Endorsements Coordinator for the international Freedom Flotilla project, Gaza’s Ark. He participated in the 2018 Flotilla, For a Just Future for Palestine, and was on board the 2023 Gaza Freedom Flotilla this year from Scotland to Liverpool.

Alex McDonald is an American who grew up in Europe, traveled to Palestine, and wrote 2 books on the language used to support Israel’s narrative: How I Learned to Speak Israel: An American’s Guide to a Foreign Policy Language and When They Speak Israel: A Guide to Clarity in Conversations about Israel. Alex is involved in changing how Israel and Palestine are taught in U.S. schools and serves on the steering committee of Voices from the Holy Land. As a Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant, he was crew on Mairead in 2018, and sailed from Norway to the U.K. on Handala in 2023.

SUPPORTER Organizations: Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) + Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace + Quaker Palestine Israel Network + Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East + Indiana Center for Middle East Peace + Disciples Palestine-Israel Network + Virginia Coalition for Human Rights + Mennonite Palestine Israel Network + Friends of Sabeel North America + Center for Jewish Nonviolence + Pace e Bene Nonviolence + Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network + Northern New Jersey Jewish Voice for Peace + Pax Christi USA +

In addition, we received this information along with the materials for the discussion of The Truth: Lost at Sea:
For those of your members who missed the June Online Film Salon on The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation, or even for those that attended the event and want to refresh their memory or share with their friends, the edited recording is now available at

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